Monday Jul 17, 2023

Bede, Hilda, and the Early Church in England

In the eighth century, when England was still considered a wild and far-off land, a local monk wrote some of the most influential books in the Middle Ages. His name was Bede. Historian, scientist, Bible translator, and poet, he preserved the story of the early church in England and the people who helped in spreading the gospel. Among these people was Hilda, abbess of the monastery of Whitby and probably the most influential woman in the early English church. Join Emma, Lucas, and Sophia on a discovery of this fascinating time with the able guidance of Dr. Elizabeth Nesbitt, who has studied ancient and modern history at Oxford University and is now principal of Emmanuel Christian School in Oxford, England.


Show Notes

Episode 18 on Augustine of Canter:

Episode 20 on Medieval queens:

Caedmon’s hymn (from the website of the church where Bede’s monastery was)

A short introduction to Chad:

A prayer thanking God for the life of Chad which some Anglican churches use: 

Almighty God,

from the first fruits of the English nation who turned to Christ,

you called your servant Chad

to be an evangelist and bishop of his own people:

give us grace so to follow his peaceable nature, humble spirit and prayerful life,

that we may truly commend to others

the faith which we ourselves profess;

through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

who is alive and reigns with you,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever.


Emmanuel Christian School, Oxford website:

Articles written by Simonetta Carr:

Augustine of Canterbury:

Medieval Wives:




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