Monday Dec 04, 2023
Christmas Hymns
Did you know many of our Christmas hymns were written in the Middle Ages or earlier? Join Emma, Christian, and Grace as they discuss these ancient hymns with Rev. Jonathan Landry Cruse, pastor at Community Presbyterian Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Rev. Cruse has authored many books, including one that’s coming out next fall, Sing in Exaltation, about Christmas hymns of the past. Don't miss hearing Emma's beautiful rendition of the hymn, "Of the Father's Love Begotten," and enjoy our hosts' fun guessing game. Try it with your families and see how you do!
We are grateful to our friends at Christian Focus Publications for donating a couple copies of the beautiful book by Heather Lefebvre, The History of Christmas: 2,000 Years of Faith, Fable, and Festivity, for a giveaway. Congratulations to our winners: Monica K. from Odessa, MO, and Bridget B. from Powhatan, VA!
Show Notes:
"Of the Father's Love Begotten" in Latin:
Corde natus ex Paréntis
ante mundi exórdium
Alpha et Omega vocátus,
ipse fons et cláusula
ómnium quae sunt, fuérunt,
quaeque post futúra sunt.
Saeculorum saeculis.
Here is a link to the beautiful Christmas song "In the Manger" -- text by Jonathan Landry Cruse, music by Josh Bauder: https://youtu.be/7U7M_oCnaYE?si=aZVcGXcWWCUkGlgB
To check out the books Jonathan has written: https://reformedresources.org/authors/jonathan-cruse/