Monday Jul 31, 2023
Irish Monks
Remember Patrick of Ireland and how he left his home in England to bring the gospel to the land where he had been previously enslaved, Ireland? Well, the gospel went full circle when Irish monks traveled to England to spread the gospel in places where it had been forgotten. Some also traveled to Scotland, Iceland, other parts of Europe, and, some say, as far as North America. Join Emma, Lucas, and Mina as they explore the lives and legends of these intrepid monks and the Irish church's contribution to the rest of the continent. Helping them in this discovery is Dr. Crawford Gribben, professor at Queen's University in Belfast, Ireland, and author of The Rise and Fall of Christian Ireland.
Register here for the opportunity to win a copy of Simonetta Carr’s book on Patrick of Ireland.
Show Notes:
Glendalough: http://monastic.ie/history/glendalough/
Book of Kells: https://www.museumofthebible.org/book-minute/book-of-kells
Pangur Bán: http://irisharchaeology.ie/2013/10/pangur-ban/
The Rise and Fall of Christian Ireland by Crawford Gribben: https://www.amazon.com/Rise-Fall-Christian-Ireland/dp/0198868189