Monday May 20, 2024

Jan Laski and the Reformation in Poland

Was there a Protestant Reformation in Poland? Who was Jan Laski, the Polish Reformer, and why do so few people know about him? Why did he want a national church, and how did he influence the Reformation in other countries? Join Emma, Grace, and Christian as they discuss Laski’s fascinating story and the little-known Reformation in Poland with Dr. Dariusz Bryćko, head of the Tolle Lege Institute in Warsaw, Poland.

Our friends at Reformation Heritage Books have provided two copies of Simonetta Carr’s book, Church History, for our listeners. Register here for the opportunity to win a copy. 


Show Notes:

For more information on the Heidelberg Catechism:

Dr. Brycko said his favorite Polish dish is Zurek, a soup made with sausages, smoked meats and rye sourdough starter. There are several recipes online if you’d like to try to make it!

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