Monday Feb 26, 2024
John Calvin
Who was John Calvin, and why was he important in church history? Was he a killjoy, as some people say (and some portraits make him look)? What does the word predestination mean, and why is it good news? Find out all these things and more with our hosts, Trinity, Christian, and Linus, as they interview their knowledgeable and enthusiastic guest, Dr. Herman Selderhuis. As a bonus, learn how to say "good-bye" in Dutch!
Thanks to our generous friends at Reformation Heritage Books, we had two copies of Simonetta Carr’s book about John Calvin to give to our listeners. Congratulations to Chris B. from Camp Hill, PA and Christopher D. from Gulf Breeze, FL!
Show Notes:
Books by and about John Calvin:
John Calvin by Simonetta Carr: https://reformedresources.org/john-calvin-christian-biographies-for-young-readers-hardcover/
Letters of John Calvin: https://banneroftruth.org/us/store/letters/letters-of-john-calvin/