Monday Oct 23, 2023
The Medieval Church and the Protestant Reformation
Why would a Christian pray to a dog? And why would a pope be taken out of his grave and brought to trial? In previous episodes about the Middle Ages, we discovered inspiring people who loved the Lord and the gospel, and we learned that it was a time of missions and important studies. So we don’t want to say, “The Middle Ages were all bad and the Reformation all good.” But, there were many problems that can be traced to biblical ignorance.
Join our hosts, Lucy, Sophia, and Grace, as they explore some of these problems and their solutions with Dr. Leonardo de Chirico, pastor of the Church Breccia di Roma in Rome, Italy, and lecturer in historical theology at the institute IFED in Padova, Italy. (And you may learn an Italian word or two.)
Show Notes:
Dr. de Chirico recommended novels by C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien which were written in modern times but are shaped around medieval imaginations, such as The Chronicles of Narnia and The Lord of the Rings.
He also recommended The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis:
To learn more about the Franciscan monk Bonaventure who Dr. de Chirico would like to meet: