Monday Nov 04, 2024
The Westminster Standards
Some time ago, we discussed Guido de Bres and the doctrinal statements known as the Three Forms of Unity used by Reformed churches. However, there is another set of documents used by Presbyterian churches everywhere, known as The Westminster Standards, which includes The Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms. These documents were written in the seventeenth century by a group of English and Scottish pastors who met for ten years during one of the most challenging times in British history. But how could a meeting last ten years? How did these pastors live, and how did their families live without them during a time of war? Join Emma, Trinity, and Sean as they pose these questions and others to Dr. Chad Van Dixhoorn, a leading authority on this subject.
Thanks to the generosity of our friends at Reformation Heritage Books, we are excited to offer a bundle of Simonetta Carr’s books to two listeners! The winner will be selected just in time for Christmas. Register here to win this special giveaway!
Show Notes:
The Westminster Larger Catechism (paperback)
The Westminster Larger Catechism (booklet)
The Westminster Standards (includes the Confession of Faith, and the Larger and Shorter catechisms: https://reformedresources.org/the-westminster-standards/